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Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries




Paola Boito was an external reviewer for the PhD thesis of Bahar Arslan (University of Manchester, UK). She was also in the PhD committee of Louis Dumont (LIX, École polytechnique).

Claude-Pierre Jeannerod was in the PhD committee of Alexandre Temperville (CRIStAL, U. Lille 1).

Fabien Laguillaumie was a reviewer for the Habilitation thesis of Abderrahmane Nitaj (LMNO, U. Caen) and for the PhD thesis of Mario Cornejo-Ramirez (LIENS, UPSL).

Jean-Michel Muller was a reviewer for the PhD thesis of Arjun Suresh (U. Rennes). He was in the Habilitation committee of Claude Michel (U. Nice Sophia Antipolis).

Nathalie Revol was in the PhD committee of Rafife Nheili (U. Perpignan Via Domitia).

Bruno Salvy was a reviewer for the PhD thesis of Thibaut Verron (LIP6, UPMC) and for the HdR of Loïck Lhôte (Greyc, U. Caen). He was also in the PhD committees of Wenjie Fang (LIAFA, U. Paris-Diderot) and Louis Dumont (LIX, École polytechnique).

Damien Stehlé was a reviewer for the PhD thesis of Hansol Ryu (SNU, South Korea). He was in the PhD committee of Thijs Laarhoven (TU Eindhoven, The Netherlands) and in the Habilitation committee of Hoeteck Wee (DI, CNRS).